Last night off we went to His Majesteys Theatre for the opening night of "The Maj Monologues" and the first performance of Nic's monologue "dont order the Jelly".
It was fantastic, the night and other 7 monologues were of a very high standard, and the actor who played Nic's speaker was superb. Her monologue was fantastic, the entire audience was laughing loud and often.. all you could hope for and more.
The show runs until Saturday where we will go along to find out who the winners are (lets face we know who it should be lol).
Anyway, below are a couple of pics and a VERY long video .. i just discovered the video is 400mb so if you want to see it.. email me ill send it to you..lol
Mum leaves us today, we have had a lovely couple of weeks around Perth and WA lots of fun and laughs.