Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 weeks today

Yes, 2 weeks today we shall be jetting off, had a few people looking at the apartment, so with any luck.. one of them will snap it up and we will be out scot free :)

Thats a bit of art by the way :) >>>>>

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Supa Golf = Supa Fun

Today we all went for a fun afternoon of Supa Golf, thats basically golf played with extra large clubs and balls. A good time was had by all.

Then home to Freedom's for a yummy Vegan birthday cake :)

(damn, still havent got the picture placement right :( )

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mother 2.0 is released :)

we have had the pleasure of Dorothy (Nic's version) this week. Had a lovely time at the Maj Monologues with Freedom too.

Thank you also for the cards and wishes for my birthday, once i have got over my depression from Englands abysmal performance the singing will recommence.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Last night off we went to His Majesteys Theatre for the opening night of "The Maj Monologues" and the first performance of Nic's monologue "dont order the Jelly".

It was fantastic, the night and other 7 monologues were of a very high standard, and the actor who played Nic's speaker was superb. Her monologue was fantastic, the entire audience was laughing loud and often.. all you could hope for and more.

The show runs until Saturday where we will go along to find out who the winners are (lets face we know who it should be lol).

Anyway, below are a couple of pics and a VERY long video .. i just discovered the video is 400mb so if you want to see it.. email me ill send it to

Mum leaves us today, we have had a lovely couple of weeks around Perth and WA lots of fun and laughs.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A few days in Albany

The 4 of us had a lovely time in Albany even if it did rain a bit, back home now.

The amity brig we wandered about this for some time.. then spent some time at whale world then on to the blow holes etc.

Monday, June 14, 2010

14th June - Albany WA

the four of us headed to albany.. about a 4.5 hour drive south east.

once we got there, took a quick look at the Amity Brig replica ship, a good time was had by all.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

13th June, mum is visiting

Dispaointing 1-1 draw for England.

Mum arrived this morning and we paid a quick visit to Freedom at work.

also a pic of Nic's "photoshoot" for the newspapers following her success with her monologue

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A man of leisure? june 11th

Just another test as i am now unemployed, got some time on my hands :)

I am currently embroiled in a "discussion" with our internet suppliers, as they have very kindly CUT US OFF!!... Nic in her typically organised fashion rang them and very clearly requested that we wanted to be cut off on the 13th July

They of course took this to mean... cut us off on the 5th JUNE!

they have since told us we can expect to be unconnected until the midle of next week 16th ish... oh yes im well pleased :)

They have provided us with a mobile dongle so we are getting somewhere :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Test 3

Ooh how exciting, we have "followers" lol, the pressure is now on me to make it at least a little bit interesting :)

So today is Monday, a bank holiday (see that use of english, lol, bank not public). Its winter and here in "chilly" Perth.. sunny and 21 degrees, that will be about the same for winter in the Midlands wont it? :)

a couple more pics... just for a laff :)
... of course that is Freedom and one of the myriad cats that wander what was our house :)

2nd test...

a test...... Nic in Melb....

and now another vid of melb view.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The first new blog

It seems you must have a Google account in order to comment, so i may have to review whether we use this site.. anyone know of a good blog site?

Ok, so thinking will try a different blog and apparently this is one of the best. So a couple of tests.

by the way we have Skype now... so to talk to us for free (i know you can hardly wait lol) the skype name is.. glennbradbury

a Pic... From Melbourne

and a video....