Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Live from Bangkok

Edit.. Photos Added

We are at the stopover in bangkok, its 1 am perth time and we fly out at about 2.30 perth time.
Flight was superb, (tvs in seats woohooo) plane was less than half full so fingers crossed for the next leg.

Nic is trying to sleep on the chjairs next to me, the airport is massive, was a bus ride from the plane to the temrinal.

Ok guess not much mopre excitmement to share will advise when we arrive at Heathrow.

xx Glenn

Oh.. and god i ,love free internet at aiports.. yes indeedy :)

1 comment:

  1. so glad all is going so well. and lovely to read you are thanking God (capital G plse) !!xxxxx Mum
