Monday, August 23, 2010

news Flash -The battle of Bosworth (525 years late) Aug 22nd

*****Battle of Bosworth***************** News Flash***************dateline 1485*********

Pic of your intrepid reporter.

The battle of Bosworth was fought and won today... this will undoubtably prove to be one of the defining points in British history as the Tudors take the throne, our reporter in the field will bring you a potted and somewhat (525 years) delayed report.
****report follows.....

The fields surrounding Bosworth are bathed in sunlight, a hot summers day reaching the mid 20's. the fighting hordes would do well to ensure they have lathered their armour with sunscreen (this reporter and his assistant didnt and have suffered small cases of sunburn, who wouldve thought it?). The place was packed and, like us..thousands had obviously journeyd far to witness this event.

As we await the actual battle, time is spent wandering amongst the tent villages where each tent is selling the local, mead, hand carved wooden spoons, swords, shields, assorted types of armour and chain mail etc. there are hundreds of "villagers" in their finery.

We view the example of the firepower of the first canons to be used in the battle, they are damn loud and apparently only somewhat effective, the archers on the other hand are impressive as they launch hundreds of arrows into the air while showing how they will prevent the lancastrians from attacking.

Then some jousting as we watch the "kings" charge toward each other with those things... you know the ones.. big.. long, stick like things... what are they called again?

At this point your dedicated reporters ducked out for a cup o tea and a cake in the very beautiful town of Market Harborugh, we sat surrounded by beautiful thatched homes and the lovely sunshine.

Now, back in time for the battle... again the fields bathed in sunlight... hundreds of Richards men to our right...hundreds of The Tudors men to our left... Rcihards men begin the charge, they are hit by what seems to be thousands of arrows raining from the skies, the canons blowing them up as they march forward, they too inflict damage on their opponents and finally they stand toe to toe.

Battle video...
Note* this is a large (32mb) video, dont download if you have a slow connection

The sounds of battle are overwhelming as sword crashes onto armour, the fighters shout and howl, the drummers boom  as they march forward, the cries of the dead and dying fill the air as the kings on horse back battle, eventually Richard is smashed from his horse and chopped to bits on the ground, his head thrown into a thorny hedge.

We are left with Henry VII victorious,and the beginning of the rule of the Yorks, hundreds of men lay dead or dying and the sounds of the celebration of the winners fills the air.

Just a fantastic day out  :)

Ker- Plunk! update........
Game 3 sees Nic storm back into the competition with a 9-24 win.


  1. well what an experience. It looks very well done, would like to have been there. BUT - - I think your history is a bit mixed up Glenn. It so began the reign of the Tudor Lancastrian King Henry V11 a red rose (Alfs neck of the woods) defeating the white rose of York (Richard)

  2. I forgot, hey Nic, massive win in Kerplunk. well done,xx

  3. hehe, yes im sure you are right.. i got the kings/names mixed up... bloomin confusing poms :)

  4. hi nic glenn
    what a wonderful day out why dident we go to things like that when we lived in england you look great in your reporters outfit maybe you should start applying for different jobs like newspaper reporting by the way the crows beat st killda today but there out the finals we had a great time at coomealla am going to see if your online if not i will try tomorrow we are going down dawns for tea so i dont know what time it will be i watched your vidio it came straight through what a great computor
    love mum bill xxxxxxxxx
