Thursday, March 17, 2011

The pipes, the pipes are calling... ( Ireland day 2 (Morning) )

A busy day planned ahead so we were out the door by 8am on our way to the Giants Causeway which is pretty much the northern tip of Ireland about an hours drive away. The causeway is a stuning area of natural beauty formed when a volcano cooled thousands of years ago and left this incredible landscape. This was something Nic had particualrly looked forward to seeing since we had seen it on a TV show here (the show is called Coast and is also responsible for our trip to "the wash" which you may remember wasnt a roaring success, much as we enjoyed it, the lack of a helicopter etc made it slightly less awe inspiring than the TV showed so we feared that this might be a similar letdown) how wrong we were!!

Unfortunately i probably canniot even begin to describe the beauty, the spectacular patterns and just the ...

...breathtaking beauty of the area, the pics (to me) dont do it justice, but ill put a few up just because its so fabulous...

If you would like more info about it.. click here
a Lonnnnnnnnnnnnngggg video of the  causeway too...

another kilometre walk along the coast are the "giants boot" and "organ pipes" 

again something we were looing forward to seeing, however, after climbing up a verrrrry steep and verrrry long pathway to the pipes, about 100 metres before reaching them was a sign....

these signs were obviously ignored!

and so we drag ourselves away from the causeway, try to catch our breath and head off to the next spot, which is Carrick-a Rede. this is a rope bridge that spans across a 20 metre wide chasm, some 30 metres above the water, as we approach it the sun breaks through, the colours of the water are incredible a million shades of green and blue and every mixture from there, i always assumed the Emerald isle referrred to the green fields etc.. and im sure it does, but you could equally say it about the beuatiful waters that surround it.

The bridge walk was fabulous and exciting and the views again simply incredible, oncew again we have been lucky to be anywhere when hardly anyone else is there these attractions would be wall to wall people in summer and to have it almost to ourselves is without doubt something we are very lucky to have had.

Well thats the morning done... i think ill do another post for the afternoon....coz it takes a lonng time ti write and load pics and vids :)

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn hear i am again after looseing everything yesterday youb blog of day two looks fantastic the giants causeway is a marval just makes you wonder how it was formed i bet the kids love it i was also thinging how good the bridge is but you wouldent get me on it you look like your holding on tight nic love the picture of you helping the man pick e logs up glenn but love his accent better i know the irish are hard to understand i used to go about with a irish lad it was hard to have a conversation but i must say you have seen some ntastic things thing since you have been over there but i reckon irland looks one of the best
    love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
