Monday, February 21, 2011


The first of our trips begins today to, the Lynton and Lynouth area which is in Devon, and area we had planned to visit on our holiday in 2009.. but missed when Nic got ill. We pulled out the driveway as the 7.30 news began.. Now thats on time!!

Programed James and off we went... an incredibly simple route .. from our house it was.. one right... one right.. one left... and drive for 80 miles... thats my kind of directions... We were on the motorway and fortunately going mostly away from any cities.. so a suprememly pleasant drive (if you ignore the cold because the Rovers heating doesnt work ( and it was cold i can tell you.. and Nic would tell you, except with two rugs wrapped around her and the seat heater on.. she could only just manage to not suffer teeth chattering) ensued. I set the cruise control to 75 mph and sat back and enjoyed the trip.

Our first stop was at  Cleve Priory, yet another 12th century place.. but our english heritage book had told us it would nt be open so, we planned just to drive past... except, i accidently pulled into the driveway, where the gates were open.. of course one on the driveway, we had no option but to drive in to and around it.. just lovely.

we then headed to Gallox bridge in the Medievil town of Dunster, what an incredible town... picture book/lilliput lane cottages all around, the bridge itself was built in the 1400's and was a packhorse bridge, used to transport wool, and buter etc, how amazing that this should still be as solid and beuaitful some 600 years later.

Also here in Dunster was Dunster castle which was not in our plans as it is (boo hisss) National trust, not english heritage... however it was so spectacular and iposing we took a walk near it just for a look, again stunning. The towns streets were so thin that for a larege part you could only have one way traffic, so a long wait for traffic lights allowed some pics of a lovely church. From there it was just up the hil to Butter Cross, this was the site of the old market.. again from 600 years ago just amazing to sit and imagine the discussions and life.

Back into the car and off to Lynton, we wanted to go there for the Funicular cliff Railway that runs up the side of the cliff an almost vertical climb of about 300 metres... the cars work by weighted water.. eg, the car at the top fills up with  water... the car at the bottom empties its water tanks... the weight of the top car, uplls the botom car up as it decends, its is not only a perfect piece of engineering, but just a beuatiful place set beside the sea... howevr i havent at this point mentioned the rain... it had started just as we arrrived in Lynmouth.. and was getting heavier.. but not only that.. the clouds and mists were getting thicker, so unfortunately the views you see in the pics.. arent quite as stunning as what we could see with the naked eye... and i apologise in advance for the wet picture of me. we also enjoyed a stroll along the beach.. feeling the stones squeeze between our toes. :)

Nevertheless, we had a fabulous timewalked around the towns into the old town hall and enjoyed a cupa in the clifftop cafe'.

Then into the car back to our hotel in the Sedgwell services.. now our experience of services hotels ahs not been good in the past, however this one is excellent. clean.. spacious, comfortable and with free WIFI... ergo.. this blog is being written in the room at 8pm.

tomorrow to the bridge and cardiff etc.  byeeeeeeee

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn just sat and read your blog again its a very interesting one love the train going up the hill what a marvelous concept and done so many years ago we need more simple idears like that again it looked preety cold again by the look of your clothes its a bumer the heater doesent work in your car some great pictures again so glad you are getting round to seeing all of it some of those villages are wonderfull you wont see anything like it anywhere else in the world hope your theeth have stopped chattering now nic you must be back in your heated house i wonder where your next trip will be pooking forward to reading it love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxx
