Sunday, September 19, 2010

The ashby "Eye" (Statutes)

Well, i have had to leave it a couple of days before posting, the excitment has been overwhelming, in fact, take the excitement level experienced at the Heather scarecrow festival and multiply it by 1000... then you will get somewhere close to the Ashby De la Zouch "Statutes".

Yes a 4 day extravaganza of fun and frivolity, Market st in Ashby is closed and in come the rides, the games and the people. We were lucky enough to have 2 delightful experienced "statutes" guides to make sure we saw all of the highlights.. where to begin... as we walked toward the main st, we all strained for a glimpse, the lights could almost be seen, the smells of candy floss, popcorn and other such delicacies filled the air... finally we had arrived, the Ashby eye was visible above the rooftops and the buzz of teenage chatter echoed through our heads.

but.. the highlight was yet to come....

What to do first... Hook a Dook?... the Ashby eye?... The Raging Bull?... so many decisions.

Nic and I leapt enthusiastically onto the the "Eye", you may have seen the London Eye.. but really... you havent lived until the Ashby we rode majectically above the Ashby skyline, the cool air caressed our skin, and the rickety mechanics creaked with every turn... after a couple of minutes, we decided we were not going to die on this particular ride and decided to sit back laugh and enjoy it.

but... the highlight was yet to come...

A wander along the packed street, stopping briefly to point at the foolish young folk going onto the the crazy vomit inducing rides...not to mention the "raging bull"  where they are placed in groups of 6 or so onto bucking bulls, the machine is turned on.. the bulls buck.. everyone instantly falls off and spends the next 30 seconds of the "ride" trying to get back on.. they eventually manage it.. only for the ride to end.. ahh such fun :)

but the highlight was yet to come...

As we make our way along the street Nic and i are sucked into the good old darts games... however, i am yet to work out of it was possible to win.. ok, so to win you had to score over 56..but...
off the board counts as 10
Doubles...  counts as 10
trebles ..count as 10
bullseye...... counts as 10
you can only hit each score once... wait, i just worked it out, to win you have to throw...
=57... easy huh...anyway.. nic and i both walked away happy with our tiny teddys :)

But... the highlight was yet to come....

Ahh a good old fashioned knock em down... thats more my game, lob a wooden ball at some tins and knockem down win a prize... my first effort is.. to say the least, poor, the first 2 balls miss, the third knocks down 3.. 2 left... Encouraged by my 3rd throw.. i had to have another go... mm better, first one takes 1 down... 2nd ball takes out 3 more, just need to pick off the last one.. and the big teddy (or possibly a way cool giant spiderman ) is mine... damn.. the 3rd ball hits the shelf.. no teddy for you!.

But the highlight was yet to come....

As we began heading back down, our delighful guide was fianlly drawn in by the overpowering allure of the a shooting game... 4 slugs... knock down 3 things to win... a sense of anticipation fille the air, the gun was loaded, Gill carefully took aim...was told how to hold the gun properly.. carefully took aim... was told how to hold the gun properly again.. took aim and fired........... one thing was hit and went down... oh yehhhh!

the gun was loaded again, the stall holder ducked as the barrel briefly aimed between his eyes... Gill took aim... and fired.. oHHHH YESSSSS... 2 down, 1 to go and 2 slugs left... the same is repeated with the nexct  2 slugs... ladies and gentlemen.. we have a winner... we stood in awe, what would she choose.. the giant tiger...giant teddy... was there a chance of a giant spiderman?.. oooh the excitiment.... ohhh, wait, so, knocking them all down once, only gets you a prize off the bottom shelf?

Now... for many, this may have led to disapointment... but... not this group of carnival goers... we infact celebrated the fact.. and joy abounded when the selection was made... and... yes youll never beleive it... the prize chosen was a take home "Hook a Dook" game... be still my beating heart.

needless to say a this point we pretty much rushed home thrilled by the prospect of playing Hook a Duck to our hearts content...

All in all, we had a wonderful night, lots of fun and laughter and wonderful company, a cup of tea and choccies rounded the evening...

Oh...and the Hook a Duck... well, suffice to say that if real ducks float in the way that these DONT, they would now be extinct.... not from hooking mind you :)

1 comment:

  1. What exciting stuff.! You are describing the fair at Victor Harbor (only I think Victors is rather smaller, tho they do have the big wheel as it is called here.) Also, Alf was the champion duck shooter (ask Freedom) and yes, you had to pay big time for the top shelf! You must now check out when the fair is in Rothwell (nr Corby I think) we used to take you 3 there and have a throw at getting the ping pong ball in the goldfish bowl(You would then go home with a live gold fish in a plastic bag) Incidentally Rothwell is pronounced Roe-ell. Funny way people say things in pommie land lol.\xx
