Thursday, September 16, 2010

Heart rate -

I have a resting heart rate of around 70, you may wonder why i would tell you this...well the following is why...

Off to an interview this morning, leave the house heart rate 70 beats per minute.

Programme the satnav...grr stupid little buttons... HR 80 BPM

Begin on the way to notts, pleasant drive up the m42...... HR 70 BPM

Chat to mum on the motor way... HR 70 BPM

oh.. whats that satnav man?.. Damn.. missed the turn off, im stuck on the motorway... HR 90 BPM

ok... turn off 4 miles further down the road... HR 80 BPM

ahh back on track.... HR 75 BPM

Satnav man says turn left at next roundabout, i turn left... as i am turning left.. he says 2nd left... too late ive gone 1st left... HR 90 BPM

Instead of telling me to turn around where possible.. satnav man leads me around the back streets... HR 100 BPM

back on track, going the right way... HR 90 BPM

satnav man says turn left at next roundabout, i turn left.. AGAIN he tells me 2nd left after i have already taken 1st left AHHHH.... HR 110 BPM

This time i turn around and get myself back on track... HR 80 BPM

Now might be a good time to mention that i needed petrol, we hadnt bothered to fill up since the holiday as we knew i was going to Notts and it would be cheaper there. I decided i would wait until after the interview to get filled up.

I continued driving.. woohoo, theres the building i want, easy, now just to find a place to park.. HR 75 BPM

Ahh theres a spot.. perfect, a couple of minutes walk from the building, all too easy HR 70 BPM

Better check how long this park is for... oh wait, its only a 1 hour park, im a 5 minute walk and assuming the interview takes at least an hour,  thats an hour 10 minimum... HR 80 BPM

Now as im looking for change for the meter... i discover... i have forgotten my wallet, yes, that contains everything, i have no money, no credit card... nothing .... HR 150 BPM,

It is now 10.12, the interview is 10.30...and oh wait, thats a parking inspector there.. hmm, he is checking cars now... one can assume he will be back in around an hour to check again.. if im still here.... HR 170 BPM

I cant stay there, i have found a total of 4 pound 80  in the consol, it is now 10.16, I drive off and find acar park just nearby.... oh dear.. 2 pounds 80 for 2 hours, oh well no choice ... HR 180 BPM

Realisiation...Oh NO... im almost out of petrol, after the interview,  ive got to get back to Measham 26 miles and i have no money.. HR 190 BPM

I park the car, its now 10.22 i have 8 minutes to get from the highrise car park to the building... i walk out of the car park into a bus port..out of there and realise..i am not really sure where the building is from here??? ..... HR 200 BPM

I go one way about 30 steps and decide its wrong.. still unsure where i am going.. i turn and go up another road.... HR 210 BPM

Huzzahh, i find the building at 10.26.... HR 100 BPM

Interview goes very well ................. HR 90 BPM

I get back to the car (1 hour and 15 mins later)... pay the parking 2 pound 80 and sit in the car, the much loved rover very kindly announces with,  a noise... a little light on the dash and the trip computer telling me i have "LOW FUEL"........... HR 120 BPM

I now have 2 pounds... a roughly 30 mile drive and the trip computer saying i have 47 miles left... HR 100 BPM

I do about 3 miles and the trip computer announces i now have 39 Miles of fuel left... a substantial difference.... HR 150 BPM

Fortunately, i finally arrive home some 35 minutes later, with the trip computer saying i still have 15 miles left... HR 70 BPM

Moral of the story.. Dont forget your wallet when you go out... coz think about it.. what can you do????

1 comment:

  1. Well, what a kerfuffel. Alf is shaking his head over the fuel meter, - me - I am wondering how you can drive monitoring your heart beat , listening to the sat/nav man, and checking the fuel gauge. It would make a good short skit for tv. I wonder if you will now do what I always do, make sure my fuel needle doesnt drop below half way.No , cors you wont. Love you Mumxxxx
