Friday, November 19, 2010

Leicester Vs Derrrrby

woohooo, I managed to win 2 tickets to the City/Derby game...gotta love the bbc.

So down we headed for the game, a smooth simple trip to the game park on Saffron Lane and a 10-15 minute walk to the game, sunny but cool and a predicted maximum of 8 degrees, Nic was well rugged up as was i. the game was the remeberance day game, so it began with the match ball being delivered by helicopter, then the last post and, a minutes silence... alwasy impressive when a crowd of 25-28,000 people can go completely silent... its when you realise the human race aint as bad as we make out sometimes. At half time there was a march of veterans around the ground, and again the respect shown by the crowd was a credit to all... a very moving experience.

The game started brilliantly for City, still playing great football and with the pulling power of sven weve picked up a few great players... anyway, the game ended LCFC 2 - 0 Derby... a terrific result.

Yes ill smile for the picture...but.. the game is over there... :)

we headed out and the cold had certainly bitten by the end of game, the sky was beautiful  and the 15 minute walk was ..umm " bracing" thank goodness the mouldy old Astra has good heating if not much else.

Sunday... we barely stepped out of the house.

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