Friday, November 5, 2010

Autumn in Bradgate park

Well a busy week at work so not a lot of action during the week, but last sunday we took a drive to Bradgate park which is about 20 miles away.. to the east.. south east.. kinda.

Anyway, was just glorious, a drizzly day but the Autumn leaves in full colour and as we walked through the park, we saw some beautiful wild deer and then onto some lovely old ruins of an abbey and home.

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    i remember going to bradgate park we went there with keith gill anna elaine when they was young maybe 1986 it was a beautifull place then i;m glad to see its not changed i see you have your big coat on nic as we are stripping of you are putting on but autum is a lovely time of year hopefully we wont get to hot this year i like the heat less as i get older but i wouldent like the english cold to much we cant have a happy meidum can we
    take care will try skype again soon no answeer first time
    love mum bill xxxxxxxx
