Sunday, December 12, 2010

11 - 12 December.. football and ruins

Saturday i headed into leicester for another football game, this was a cheap game (only 10 pounds) as a special offer so thats gotta make it even better... I set out with very high hopes we were only playing doncaster rovers, so i expected a big game from us... i even bet on a 5-1  (50/1 ) scoreline, such was my confidence.

For the first time in my life i put on a thermal ..(yes a thermal.. how absurd) and got to the game, found my place on the back row of the Kop.. i love the back row.. as it means you can get away with standing, an football is MEANT to be enjoyed standing, and the kop is fab as you get the real feel of it, lots of singing and support, we started well yet again and were all over them for the first 10 minutes.. i was confident of my many goals happening, then.. horror as they scored against the run of play... for the next 35 minutes, we played total cr*p and i was going to be happy to sneak a goal and go home with a draw, but.. in the last minute of the first half, the ref gave us a penalty... that in my opinion we really didnt desevre.. but who cares.. we scored and went into half time 1-1.

Penalty video... (BIG file)

second half was a different game, we came out full of confidence and tore them apart, another goal came.. then another.. then a fourth.. the game was ours, the fans were going insane and there were just minutes to go, we had missed 2 or 3 real opportunities to score the 5th (and pay out on my 50/1 bet)... in the 4th minute of 4 minutes of injury time.. we broke through and with the last kick of the game scored the I WON my bet.. yes indeedy.. at 50 to 1 i was in for a big payday... well... you may remember that i am something of a scab.. so, the bet that i put on.. was a grand total of 50 cents... but im not complaining... a lazy $25 in my betting account will keep me busy for a few months :)

Sunday, we took a drive to the beautiful market town of Lichfield for a little shopping.. ( some walking boots for me... for gods sake, ive bought more shoes in the past 5 months, than in the past 25 years ) and a lovely coat for Nic ( who is challenging my shoe purchaes with her Coat purchases), then onto the Croxden Abbey, this is an ruined abbey from 1176 which is yet again stunning still many parts standing having survived henry the 8ths destruction. Drove though some delighful english country side, along single lane roads surrounded by bare wintery hedges.. a maximum today of 4 degrees, so a summery feel to the day..well ok not a freezing cold day... well ok.. yes it was bloody freezing.. but what the hell.. just a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    just been reading your blogs just love nic in her
    fur coat and cap sorry i cant see your shoes glenn but i am sure they are very nice if you dress to the weather you can keep fairly warm but that cold it takes a bit of doing its nice to still be able to sight see but watch out for black ice it seems you enjoyed your drive in the fog it was something different they hadent built that juction when we lived over there so we never had that pleasure but you should have seen the peesouper fogs when they burnt all that coal you couldent see a hand in front of your face the bus conductor used to have to walk in front of the bus as the driver couldent see the kerb oh happy days so glad you are enjoying your job it will be better for you when you move nearer and good for nic to be able to get to the city during the day carry on enjoying yourselves we talk about you a lot and also freedom and think of you always lots of love mum bill shaza xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
