Sunday, December 12, 2010

A week to Birmingham and back (5th-11th)

So the first week of work is over, most enjoyable workplace, good people and hopefully a successful future. Working on the 4th floor of a 8 storey building in the heart of the city... right next door to the BT Tower if any of you remember that..although it prob wasnt built till the 70s so i doubt that. The question currently is, do i use the lift or the stairs to go the 4 floors, at the moment im using the stairs as there has been no football due to the weather... speaking of the weather, you may have heard its been cold seriously cold.. oh.. and foggy.. like really... really foggy.

It was so foggy that driving "home" on Monday that, as i entered spaghetti junction... i could not see the road signs at the side of the road... even the overhead signs were not visible through the fog. Now... spaghetti junction is so named for good reason, as you appraoch, there are roads going every which way... ..up... down... right... left....bear left..... a bit left... a bit more left... a lot left... (rinse and repeat for right) etc. This lack of visibility and abundance of roads led to a rash decision that involved.. a "bear" left"  direction from fanny and nervous misjudgemnt from me... which all in all finshed with me merrily driving down the Mfortywhatever the hell it is on my way to Wallsall... which you may guess is NOT measham...annnyyy wayyyyyyyyyy the trip home to travel the supposed 25 miles (estimated time was 45-50 minutes).. was 1 hour 40 minutes... hmmm.

Basically, due to the snow, fog and ice, the trips have taken close to 1 hour 20 each way every day except friday..when the weather had cleared and it was a wonderful 50 minutes each way.

last sunday 5th.. we talk a drive back to Bradgate park to se it with some os the snow, much of the snow had either melted.. or turned into fantastically treachorus ice.. but it was just beautiful.

Old John, Bradgate park

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