Sunday, March 20, 2011

When you were sweet sixteen (Ireland day 2 afternoon)

Off we head from the bridge, the sun had begun to break through and whilst there was a chill in the air it was simply a beautiful day. We stopped off for lunch and again managed to find oursoelves one of the terrific British cafe's, so once again i am given a huge mound of breakfast and leave filled to overflowing.

We are of to Dunluce castle, it looked quite nice in the pics we had seen online, unfortunately it was not Heritage or Nat Trust so we didnt know too much about it but hoped it would be good.. and for a 2 pound entrance fee.. by god it had better be good!! :)

I am pleased to say it was more than good. The sunshine, the steep cliffs, the sparkling seas and the fabulous rolling hills just made this possibly the most spectacular castle we have seen. First built in the 13th century and continually built and rebuilt. It was built right on the edge of the cliffs, and i mean right on the edge so much so, that in the 1600's the kitchen collapsed into the sea taking a number of servants to their death, it is said that the lady of the castle then refused to ever live in the castle agian after that.

I was also able to climb all the way down to the base of the castle which again was incredible as you stand at the base and see the overwhelming size of the structure, there is also a cave/passage through the rock cliff which is straight through to the sea... all very famous five and smugglers :)

As i understand it... "no access" ... is Latin or Roman or gaelic for "please go wherever you like" what with my manners, i felt it would be rude to ignore such a pleasant suggestion and immediately went into the cavey bit.. it was very.. Cavey  :)  and  a little nerve racking as a couple of little stones fell on my head and the water rushed in a litle further than i expected.
Having spent much longer than we imaginned at this superb location, it was back into the car and home to the hotel, a rest and a few minutes of pure excitment watching family Fued on telly and its out to grab some dinner and have a quick look at beuatiful Derry by night. Such a pretty city.

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