Sunday, April 3, 2011

30 years - Devoted to you

30 years ago on the 4th of April 1981, a beautiful, intelligent, exciting, foolish, easily led, young lady, said yes, when i asked her to "go out" with me.

Weve hardly changed have we? lol

Through the years my love has grown... im hopelessley devoted to you, i love you xxxx


  1. 30years ago, after a whole desperate week of just being friends with the most sensitive, gorgeous, caring, funny guy I had ever met, at 3 o'clock in the morning on my parents' couch, I said 'Yes' and we kissed. Someone has been telling us to 'get a room' ever since because this even more sensitive, gorgeous, caring, funny guy is a part of me, it's a connection that can'not be broken.

    The pictures don't lie and as you can see, the smiles just keep getting bigger, especially now that our union is completed as a triple.

    I don't need to enter the lotto because I already won the jackpot. Devoted right back at ya Squishy xx I Love You xx

  2. hi nic glenn
    What can you say to that Nicola what a wonderfull daughter you have always been Glenn i couldent have asked for a better son-in-law you gave me the most beautiful grandaughter any one could ever wish for may the rest of your lives be as happy as your past has been
    i love you Mum
