Friday, April 15, 2011

Spain day 3 .... Lazzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyy day

Its such a strain being on holidays, what we need is a rest. With Nic's twisted ankle and the opportunity of sunshine and warmth it was decided that a lazy day on the beach was required.

The hotel is just ideal for us, ok it hasnt been updted since the 80s and its pretty simple in terms of a room etc, but its clean, has a functioning kitchen, has an onsite supermaket, lovely swimming pool, and is right on the beach. It also has a restaurant (which is of no use to us) which has shows every evening, Nic mentioned the stunning performance of "Grease" already. One of the strange things about the hotel which we had read about on trip advisor before we left was the 2.50 euro per day charge for sun beds around the pool... an absurdity but one we were ready for, therefore i assumed there would be a charge for the beach sunbeds also.

The beach is very nice,  not golden sands but somewhere between Adelaides gold.. and Bali's brown. We left the room at about 10am ish... arrived at the beach about 3.30 pm... (no not really it jus seemed that long due to Nic's hobbling speed,) selected our sunbeds and laid back awaiting the sunbed guy to come around and take our money... eventually he wandered up... 4.50 euros.... FOUR FIFTY EUROS... i mean seriously... come on... a euro is about 95p... so effectively the sunbeds are going to cost us a total of $15 for the day... but the sun and warmth and comfort is too much to turn down so i "cheerfully" hand over the cash and lay back to enjoy my headphones and the beautiful sunny Mediteranean.

we stayed a couple of hours..went back to the room, had some lunch then headed back down for another couple of hours, Nic plastered in 50+ sunscreen and me hiding in the shade of our rattan umbrella (see its not just a sunbed for 4.50.. you also get the umbrella, what a bargain). I made one attempt at going for a swim in the Med.. but, by crikey that was well cold.... so, we spent another couple of hours doing nothinggggggggggzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

In previous holidays to Bali and Kuala Lumpur, we had been to shows that have the local/native dances being performed and we had planned to try to see some Flamenco dancing on this trip, how lucky we were that the hotels show for tonight was infact flamenco dancing... mind you given the "quality" of the Grease show... we didnt expect too much. The sign announcing  " show profesional  " didnt fill us with confidence.

For the Grease show, we arrived a tad late and missed the first half... the room/restaurant had seating for perhaps 150 people... and there were..... hmmm maybe 20 there. So for the Flamenco we arrived early and grabbed the table front and centre... as the start time drew closer the room began to pulsate with the expectation and excitement of the ever growing crowd... which had now reached perhaps as many as .... wow...umm... yes id say at least 7... or even 8 people.

Interesting to note that generally, we find ourselves at clubs or art shows or theatre shows in which we appear a little old and out of place... this was not the case tonight... i looked around the room to be thrilled by the fact that my hair was NOT the whitest in the room.

Eventually the show began... the appreciate crowd were infact treated to a terrific and very very skilled and professional example of Flamenco. the dancers were terrific and wow it is such a high tempo and strong dance... im guessing its all about the bullfighting etc, but it really was a fabulous show and very well done... AND... it was FREE... the perfect evening in my opinion. :)

Eventually we hobbled back to the room ready for tomorrows trip to Malaga.

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