Friday, July 23, 2010

Cos for 24 hours ive been living next door to Cec (and Dor)

Ahh where to start,

Today, friday 23rd we moved into the house, not a bad effort, we collected the keys exactly one week after we arrived. We met our neighbours Cec and Dor (Cecil and Doreen) who have lived in the house for 44 years :), now if we can just get them to turn their damn music down.. lol, no, they are lovely old folk who have beautiful flowers.

Interview part 2 today went very well and i have to go back on Monday, spend half a day with one of their sales reps, then do a 10 minute powerpoint presentation about my sales process and then a role play interview/test... oh what fun... i dislike role play with a passion, however, with any luck all will go well and i will be employed by the end of next week.

The lounge suite fits perfectly.. lol, assuming that perfectly is.. it, the TV and the 2 of us can fit in the lounge all at once... but no breathing out is allowed lolol.. not really.. the suite fits and suits the house just perfectly... as my beautiful wife told me it would :)

Now... interesting Friday facts... stairs... tiny rooms...chimney breasts and King size Divan beds do not a perfect match make!!! You cannot imagine the difficulty and amount of struggling and swearing that was required to get the bed up stairs... oh.. and the removal of the hand rail from the stairs... but.. somehow (i dont really know exactly how) we got it up there and it looks lovely, plenty of room in the bedroom and the "Duvet" etc look delightful.

Another game of football tonght and yet more fun, relaxing with Nic and finally really taking a breath... ahhh, indeed life is good :)


  1. Cec and Dor who live next door, - - do they snore?
    good job it was a handrail that required removing and not something electrical!
    Good luck with your job, you'll soon be earning a bob. So, spend this weekend from the home and find another castle or mansion to roam. I share your excitement, I love reading all of it.Love to both of you.xxMumxx

  2. hi nic glenn
    you sound as if you are having a great time it would take me a month to do what you have done in a week glad you have nice neighbours if they have lived there that long the place must be okay i can see you have been busy you need a weeks holiday to get over getting the bed upstairs but it all sounds very comfortable like mum i am enjoying reading it all it makes you seem closer we are off to a stamp auction tomorrow will go on the net tomorrow night love mum s xxxxxxxx
