Sunday, July 4, 2010

Glenn's exciting countdown game

You were waiting for the excitment to begin and your patience has been rewarded.... yes the game is.... dah dahhhhh....

Will it last?
Tomato Sauce.... (1 inch in the bottom of the bottle)
Mayonaise...... (nearly full bottle)
Toilet Rolls.....( 9 rolls)
Honey............. (2 inches in bottle)
Tea Bags........ (box of 100 opened today)
Mushroooms. ( 1/2 bag)

Yes... thanks to this exciting game.... you can enjoy all the excitment of wondering if..... i will have to go without sauce? or will i reduce my tea bag usage to 1 per cup?

feel free to join in with your predictions. :)


The Tom Sauce is no more :(
The Honey has run out...

The Toilet rolls were on special, so weve bought more anyway... Gill asked us to bring them... is she suggesting we give them the sh*ts??? :)


  1. hi nic glenn
    tom sauce will run out
    toilet rolls sure to run out
    huney no more lemon and honey tea if you do run out
    tea bags you will need at least another 100
    mushrooms wont keep 10 days
    but keep trying
    love mum S bill

  2. buy HP sauce cos you dont like it so it will last for ever. Toilet rolls? do as I did at my Nannas when I was little, use the newspaper, (make sure its cut into neat squares.Tea Bags? buy coffee (you dont like that much either.) lol xzxx love Mum
