Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No, you cant buy that!........... 28th July

A quick trip to Ibstock as we had heard they had a M&S (incorrectly it would seem). so a few minutes spent driving around another of Nic's home towns (its no wonder i call her a Gypo).

We found a little tiny secondhand store full of furniture... and i mean full, it was 2 shopfronts... piled to the ceiling with stuff, so full in fact that the only are to walk was a 5 foot long 1 foot wide path into the shop,from there you peered over/around stuff to see if anything useful.

Surprisingly we saw from outside through the window a little cupboard thing, just what wee needed apparently. Nic goes in and asks "mad old woman" how much... mad old woman says 8 pounds.. ha we think... perfect and cheap. Righto says we, we will take that thanks...

Oh NO! says mad old lady... im not getting that out, its much to dangerous.

Momentarily Nic and i are speechless... well i am... Nic slightly less so, and very politely advises the mad old lady that we wish to buy it and take it... again.. mad old lady says nope... nic asks how she manages to do business if she doesnt actually sell anything... mad old woman tells us she does quite well thanks very much!

We exit shop... confused, and without cupboard...sigh.. i still dont quite understand???

Ok, couple more interviews booked for the next few days so fingers crossed. heres a couple of pics from Ibstock and showing baby fridge under stairs  :)

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote heaps on here, went to post it and got deleted.! grr. anyway, try again. what is this I see, you outside a church! trying going inside and make my day lol. Nic your duffel coat looks great, now you need the fur boots, gloves and scarf ! The bed has me confused, it looks like a single, I know the rooms are small - but ..... praps the mad lady wanted you to get the cupboard out for her Glenn? and the mantra from me is. . feeel pride in how far youve come, and confidence in where you are
