Saturday, October 30, 2010

Leeds - The Merry Widow

And so off to the Grand Theatre in Leeds, what a stunning theatre beautiful staircases, spectacular mouldings and designs on the ceiling and walls velvet seating and carved wood railings etc.

I didnt mention we had a little trouble driving in did i?... We have replaced James, actually no we havent, james is now in the rover taking care of Nic's motoring needs, i have bought a new sat nav system that links to my phone, so is very handy for me and this way.. we can both get lost at the same time :)

So... we put the address into "Fanny" (i couldnt remember her name and decided that was an ideal name) we headed off merrily toward Leeds, she took us directly into the city centre with consumate ease, ahhh Fanny, my newest friend..." turn right in 400 yards" her soft sweet voice requested," take the next left", " Safety camera ahead" she whispered to me... hahaha.. Goodbye and good riddance James.

Oh.. ok, yes i will turn left here oh wonderful Fanny, but, this looks not quite where im expecting... yes, ill take the 2nd exit at the roundabout.. but, it really does look as though we are going to a dead end street... oh.. turn around when possible... I DONT REALLY HAVE A CHOICE DO I FANNY? im stuck in a cul de sac between 3 huge hotels arent i.

Clearly Fanny and James are part of a world wide conspiracy designed to test my patience and see at what point i become a serial killer (keep an eye on the news, that day is coming closer)

After a trip or two round in circles and some entertaining roadworks avoidance we eventually get to where she says we are within a 200 yards of the Theatre, the show begins at 7;30, the time is 7:20.. a five minute walk should see us arriving jusssst in time.  Poor Nic, who looked just beautiful dreessed with style and a touch of glamour... although not a lot of warmth, tried to keep up with my fast paced walk, whilst expending most of her energy shivering on a crisp and somewhat cool autumnal evening. we walked up the main road, still not sure but following the huge tourist signs that said the theatre was this was way... 3 mins of walking and lots of buildings that couldve been the theatre... but werent.. we asked a couple of locals.. but no, they didnt know where it was... walk further.. still no sign... 5 mins...ask more locals...umm no dont really know... turn around and go back... 2 more mins.. (7.27).. oh this is not working out well... ask more locals, they point us back to where we asked the 1st locals and said its just up that road there... the pace reaches extreme as we arrive at the theatre at 7.29... grab our awaiting tickets from the box office and begin to go to our seats..

no.. we hadnt bought on the floor (im too cheap for that), we head up to the first floor... show tickets  to the usherette.. who says no.. "go to the end and turn left..go up there"... we go to the end...turn left.... and there is...... there is... A BLANK WALL... we turn to the look back to the usherette... she frantically motions for us to go through THE BLANK WALL (apparently assumed we were at some Harry Potter kinda of magic dooorway).. we gestured there was no doorway... another usher interupted her and told us we needed to go up another flight of stairs....we did that.. HUZAHH, we find the magic doorway (7:31)... we are greeted by another usherette who scowls at us, in a way that only someone ushering at the opera can scowl.. and says, "sorry your late, its started,  theres no way i can get you in"... then proceeds to open the door and it is literally a total of 5 steps to our seats... where we quietly sit, to enjoy the opening musical number.

The show itself was wonderful, very theatrical   and very very stylish most people are aware of my opinion of opera, so there was some concern about this... but in truth i really enjoyed it.. sure some of the high notes caused my eyebrows to lift over the top of my head and we couldnt make out most of what was being sung... the story and the acting were entertaing and enjoyable and again, the surroundings were spectacualr.

All in all it was a delightful evening and our return to the Chavley was simple and uneventful :) Nic also spent some time snapping some pics from around wakefield and leeds, the buildings are wonderful and just everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    what a grand night out that was it seems you have to make a grand entrance you wouldent think it would be so hard to find somthing that is so near where you are standing 'you are having trouble
    with your sat nav i reckon it is time to give them up as a bad job and go back to signposts that looks a magnificence building nic is standing in front i hope they never let them knock them down henry and bett arrived safely today i reckon they will have an early night tonight they havent slept since tuesday night bills going alright but very sore take care love you mum bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
