Sunday, January 9, 2011

And so, the end is near and we did it Brugge way.

Morning comes and with it a delightful breakfast in the lovely restuarant with ample cups of tea, toast, cereals, croissants (for now and slipped in the bag for later). I learnt this morning, that Glenn does not like chocolate with breakfast food...he thought the little brown dots in the croissants were currants, and also, that eating twice as much breakfast does not cover lunch, it just makes you feel sick.We leave our bags at reception and head out for more exploring.
I spotted this pic of the bridge outside our hotel and am now forced to jump back to the previous night to regail you with a tale of Glennish exploits. Later in the evening, Glenn headed out to the market square in search of supper and much needed tea. Both of these he found and enjoyed and then headed back to the room. Ahead of him on the street was a man on a bicycle balancing a box on the handlebars and wobbling all over the place. As Glenn caught up to him near the bridge, he kindly asked if he could help. The man, obviously not speaking any English made sufficient grunting type noises, Glenn waved his arms, and, between them, they came to understand what he was offering. So, what could go wrong you ask? As the man got off the bike, Glenn took hold of it, but at the same time, the man let go of the box (perhaps he thought Glenn was going to get that) and it fell to the floor. Out of it fell two bottles of champagne and some plastic cups, but no, amazingly they did not break! Glenn backed away from the bewildered man quickly and retreated to our room. The moral of this story....don't help foreign men on bikes or, don't let Glenn help you.

There is a lot of art in Europe and I couldn't resist holding hands with the lovers above. The first building is the births/deaths/marriages etc. and above is a repeat of the city hall because today we get to go inside. What an amazing treat it was too! There are only a couple of pics because, well, apparently you aren't supposed to take photo's. Oops.

In the one with me sitting, you can see the 'minstrel' balcony up high, and the paintings which cover the walls, took about 2 years to plan and get permission for and then seven years to do. The painter died during the process and his brother took over the job. I couldn't resist having Glenn stand in the Lord Mayor's lectern...just for a moment he was in a position of power to which he naturally feels inclined...but you know what they say; behind every great man.....
Apart from the fantastiic carvings and paintings and the awesome feeling you get standing in a building that has been used for the same purpose for 800 years, we also saw books and ledgers dating back hundreds of years that relate to the workings of the councils.
 From here we headed back toward the hotel to collect our bags and on the way had planned to visit the chocolate museum. How will it stack up to the fries museum I hear you ask.
And the giant cocoa bean says it all! Here in Brugge they know how to preserve really old buildings, how to make yummy crepes, how to clean hotels and be really polite, how to speak enough English, how to avoid stupid tourists on the wrong side of the road and how to make a Subway sandwich the same as every other country BUT, they do not know how to make coffee or museums! They seem to think a museum is a place full of funny cutouts and lots and lots of brightly coloured wall mounts with lots and lots of boring information written on them. The saving grace, was the 'illumination museum' next door oh and by the way, the chocolate to taste at the door left me sorely wanting. It is the biggest collection of domestic lamps in the world, but, it was interesting because it was full of little clay lamps that have been dug out of the ground from hundreds of years ago. You could follow the progression through the centuries and there were even ones that looked like Aladdin's lamp....even fiction is usually from fact. It was now about 11am so we grabbed our bags and headed out for the rest of our day to be at the busstop by 5.30. At this point I must publicly thank my wonderful husband for rescuing me by pulling my bag as well as his own for the next four hours over miles (well quite a lot anyway) of cobbled streets, especially as the boots specially purchased for this trip were proving to be the most uncomfortable he has ever worn and feeling every point and bump of every stone he stepped on.

We decided better of ice skating ourselves, what with the sore feet and inability to pull a small case lol so onward to what was once a palace. Unfortunately no photo's allowed inside but not before Glenn gets one of me with a genuine, off with her head, guillotine.....Ewwww

Light rain is now falling and we follow our trusty map to 'the forum', a modern building which is the home of theatre and music performance in Brugge. Our card entitles us to go to the 7th floor where we can see forever or at least the edge of the town.

After taking in the fantastic view, we set off for the railway station to stash our bags in a locker, have some lunch and see how long we've got till the bus comes.

Small interjection; I have just watched an internet streaming of the FA cup round b/w Leicester and Man City an we have drawn 2-2 YAY. A win would of curse be better but I think there will be one happy camper coming home from the home of the Foxes in about an hour! It was a very good, competitive, clean game to be replayed on Wednesday at a place I've never heard of.

Anyway, back in Brugge, we still had two hours or so, so we explored the less tourist frequented part of the town..a park called Minniewater

Glenn spent ages waiting patiently for a man on a bike to disappear so he could get this last shot, just as he was taking it a lady with two children were just about to appear in shot. The bike seems to be a very popular mode of transport here. The last place we visited was the old gateway to the town, unfortunately closed inside to visitors in winter but worth the walk and slip and slide along the icy path anyway.

And so our first trip to the continent as locals draws to a close. We had one last Belgian meal; a serve of fries and for me, a waffle covered in warm, oozing white chocolate; oh yes, it was good. As we sat in the train station restaurant eating, we watched two different groups sit down with their local burger; meat patty with pickles, and two of them pulled off the lid and scraped out the seems some things are the same no matter what language you speak.

It was a quiet trip back to Hull to be welcomed with dense fog for most of the drive. Obviously we arrived back safe and sound and ready to.......sleep!

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn just read your last part of your trip i must say you get an awfull lot done in a short time some great photos there there a pity the rest of the world dident keep more of there old buildings like they have and they call it proggress glenns good deed dident turn out to well but you have to give him full marks for effort love the gisnt coco bean its like the old and the new but the bean s not a patch on the buildings glad leicester got a draw they did well against a team like man city got my fingers crossed they can win the replay take care love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
