Sunday, January 16, 2011

The beauty of ...

We decided a day out was due, but where to go... the continent?, Irelend?... spectacular London or Edinburgh? nah... Its the West Midlands for us :)

We had a look in the English Heritage book and made our plans.
1) Head out at 8.30 make our way to Ironbridge, this is where the industrial revolution began just outside Telford... i mean, how incredible that this was the basic foundation of the life we now lead, the spinning jenny, canals, steam engines... all from around this area. the bridge itself is beautiful (do we all remember my love of bridges?) and it has the old toll house still there, i have attached a pic that shows the toll charges too.

The Severn was high and flowing fast, ironbridge is a fabulous town with apparently 11 museums nearby.. but that was not our agenda, our next stop was to be the town of "Much Wenlock".

Now personally ive always felt that a little wenlock was enough, but MUCH wenlock, well.. your just being greedy.

What a truly gorgeous medievil town, we were looking for "Wenlock Priory" ruins of another 12th century building, as we got out of the car, the current church bells were ringing out and the whole village was reverberating to the massive bells, as wandered through the streets we just stood open mouthed at building after building that was 500 years old and yet still perfectly functional and in use. We went into the guild hall that housed the market from the 1500's and still has a market each week.

and so after a wonderful walk around the village we made our way to the Priory, once again we are stunned by the sheer history and the fact that this is a building that has been around for 900 years, that all those years ago people were living and learning on this site. and this building is still standing.

oh yes.. and some soooo verrry cute Topiary....

How amazing.. people walking up these steps 900 years ago ???

So, from Much Wenlock we move on to Acton Burnell castle, in truth its more a manor house than castle but once again a stunning ruin, built in 1284, it is thought that the first Parliament in which the commons sat was held here. By now the rain had slightly begun to fall and so from this point on you are lucky enough to enjoy Nic and Glenn in wet weather style.. of course for Nic, this means looking stylishly warm and fashionable.. for me... well it pretty much meeans looking like a dork :)

although to be fair... running away flapping your arms does has a slight standard lowering effect.

How winter should look ^^^

Ok.. heres a couple of bridges that took our (my) fancy, the  first one is important for some reason, that i cant quite remember... the next are where we stopped for lunch and they just randomly happend to be there.

And so on to the roman town, Viroconium (wroxeter)... ok so yes i was amazed at buildings that werre 900 years old... but this... this ruined town is from 01 AD... yes.. 01... a lazy 2009 years old... i mean come on, this was one of Roman britains major towns and these people were going to baths, and markets and working hereTWO THOUSAND  years ago..what did they talk about sitting in those baths??? (possibly they had a premonition about my hat... and were laughing?) That wall behind us has been standing there and had people passing through it since 01 ???

after our wander round the Roman remains... a quick cup of tea and we were off to look for a little unusual Aquaduct... we werent sure of we could find it.. but after a quick trip we saw it off in the distance...

Now... this was quite a way off..behind a couple of fences and across a muddy wet field, but.. this was not going to stop me from seeing the ultimate love of my architectual life.. a bridge with extra excitement. So i set off climbing over the fences and across the field, but it was worth it... a little aquaduct that no longer carries any water but just a pleasure to view and be a part of.

 and so... the end of a fantastic day... and all in the exciting west Midlands :)

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn just been reading your blog again what an interesting day out it was i was saying to nic the other day one never knew all these interesing places when one lived there love the prices on the toll bridge i expect people were saying i'm not paying that price just like we do today love the white house on the corner our house's will fall down much quicker than theirs makes you wonder what we do wrong nicola looks good flapping her arms good job she dident take off and you dont look like a dork its all in your mind i'm a great lover of bridges to when we was over there in 1986 we saw heaps i will have to get the old tapes out and look them up we saw lots of aquaducts but none without water i wonder why its empty now i am still left to wonder if we started in the year 0 or was it 01 i dont suppose we will ever no anyway enjoy your move this weekend look forward to seeing how it went on the blog take care lots of love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
