Sunday, January 23, 2011

Its been 6 months.. time we moved. (Part 1)

Thursday... I get home to the piles of neatly and not so neatly piled boxes, over the past week or so Nic has been hard at work getting sorted,  how lucky am i that i married a Gypo who is now so well practiced in the art of moving that it generally goes without any problem, well certainly that we can control. The train falling off the tracks on the way to perth and assorted other mishaps are not our fault.

Friday ... i was booked to meet the agent at 1.15 to collect the keys, of course work here has no allowance for lateness or doing personall business on work time, so it had to be timed to perfection to get there.. (15 mins)...sign, collect keys (20 mins)..and get back to work (15 mins) total 50 minutes allow 10 mins for walking to and from the car park... military precision required.

I leave work at 1pm... arrive car park 1.04... out of car park 1.06... driving.. 1.10...all going well until... traffic jam... i dont move for 10 minutes...1.20...well thats it...  i now cannot make it, Call to nic time for tomorrow morning..attempt to get back to work... avoid traffic jam.. get slightly lost, back to work at 1.50pm. Sigh..gotta love englands traffic.

Saturday..... "The Plan"....
movers due.... 8am
Me to leave... 8.30
Me to collect keys... 9.30
Movers due at new place around... 10.15
Nic to finish cleaning old house... 10.30
Agent to inspect old house ... 11.30
Nic to drive from old house at 12..arrive new house 1pm

Sat "The Reality"....
movers are late...ARRIVE.... 8.45
Me to leave... 8.30
Me to collect keys... 9.30

10.15...Nic rings me to advise... she has packed her car key and is now stuck with a car full of stuff in Measham.

Movers ACTUALLY ARRIVE at new place .... 11am finish unpacking 11.40

Nic to finish cleaning house... 10.30

Agent to inspect old house ... 11.30

Glenn drives to old house.. 12.25...give Nic car key
Nic to drive from old house at 12.30..arrive new house 1.15pm

and... we are IN!

Stay tuned for part 2...

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn starting from the bottom yoy look very comfortable in your chair glenn after a couple of hectic days i reckon your new house looks great but nic packing your car keys i recken in a few years when you look back at all your adventures you will thing thats the dafter thing you ever did and things were going so well up till then anyway alls well that ends well it looks as if bosses in england are not so laid back about work life as they are out hear but i suppdse its the pressurs of the time mind you they were never any different when i worked over there at least you shuld be able to get to work a bit quicker now but like you say the traffic never easy anyway glad your all settled in alright and look forward to part two love mum billxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
