Sunday, August 1, 2010

of Banks, Broadband... July 31st

Banks... where do i start, how about 10 weeks ago in Perth. We contacted Barclays to arrange a bank account for our arrival in the UK. After 6 weeks in OZ sending paperwork back and forth and phone call after phone call, we were told that all should be fine when we arrive.

We arrive.. still no account, we ring a number of times and are told this.. that and finally.. they will be open next week... we ring next Tuesday and are told it will be open Thursday...its not... we ring the next tuesday... told it will be open Thursday..surprise, its not!... we go into the bank on friday and they cant find any reference to our account... SO, we go to HSBC.. we enter at 1pm... appt is made for 3pm... the account is opened at 3.30pm... I love HSBC!!... then we find out that our (Barclays) bank cards are delivered to Keith and Gill's on friday.. the same day that we went into the bank???

Now.. for broadband... rinse and repeat (i cant be bothered with all the details.. same story, just involves us standing in public phone boxes shouting at recorded messages... BAH.. communication companies!!!

On the good side we now have both, a bank account and a phone line (the broadband will take about 10 days) so happy happy, joy joy :)

Wont Nic thank me for putting that pic up :)

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