Saturday, October 16, 2010

Didn't he have a lovely time the week he went to Sheffield

Glenn said he didn't want to blog this because it would sound too negative. Well that depends on how you look at it because we have laughed about all of it and he laughed when I read it out so I think that makes it funny....what do you think?

His first week went okay although one guy he was sent out with quit on Thursday, the car park is a ten minute walk up a gradient about the same as Mill road only twice as long, the guy he went out with complained all day about being cold but never put the car heater on, the guys car did a clutch and they were stuck for an hour and had to get towed and then had to walk half an hour back to the office (and that were a wee bit chilly too), there are NO tea making facilities in the building, his company car is a 7 year old Astra (although petrol wise and acceleration wise this is much better than the dear old Rover), he was told by one rep not to risk leaving his briefcase in the car while they went into a business, BUT, on the good side he has a job, he has a car that will be repaired by someone else, he got to go past Bramall lane and Hillsborough which he was apparently stoked about? he gets to be entertained by the 'foreign language', particularly if they are whispering eg 'I ad a reet fane kip last neet' and, all newspapers are filled with football. Lets see how it goes in two weeks when he has to find his way around all the streets and find parking and combat the 'we're doomed, we're all doomed attitude'.

And, to add to this, he was informed on Thursday afternoon that the induction in leeds is TWO weeks not the one we had apparently assumed it to be. Mega cheap hotel here we come. At least the company have agreed to pay for some of the expenses and, we get two weeks in exotic Leeds! Roll on pay day.

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