Friday, October 8, 2010

Witley Court (part 1)

Our last chance to grab some viewing time before work and winter overtake us, we headed a little way south to Hereford and Worcestershire. First to Witley Crt.

This is another ruined stately home, interestingly the house was first built in the 1600's, and underwent incredible changes and upgrades until the 1800's. The pic below shows the huge changes that took place (double click to make it bigger)

then in 1930's a fire burnt out a quarter of the home and it was left to go to ruin, eventually being sold for less than 4000 pounds.

keep in mind when it was upgraded in the 1800's it was assumed to valued (in todays money) at somewhere near 100 million pounds!! to let it just fall to bits is incomprehensible. The English heritage have since stabilised the building and have redeveloped the gardens and fountains, simply beautiful.

They also had their own church which you can just see the top of to the left of the pic... we took a walk into it...simply a stunning building, containing some of Englands oldest stained glass windows early 1700's and an incredible ceiling.

Again lots of pics..coz so lovely... have a look at the door ts HUGE... Nic looks like a doll or Alice in wonderland...

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