Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Still more Leeds

So, day by day was just going into the office in leeds and learning how to sell etc... somewhat interesting but mostly been done before, it was quite exciting as the office is right beside yet another spaghetti style junction... as i headed in i was watching the sat nav when i suddenly spotted the building... so a quick manourvre across 3 lanes of traffic and i found s great parking place just a 2 minute walk from the building.

Tuesday.. let the excitiment begin... I am off to Elland Road, to watch The mighty Leicester Citeh, take on Durty Leeds... again, the sat nav offers direction, but a slight error means i take a wrong turn.. HOWEVER, on this occasion it couldnt have been better, i found a fantastic FREE park, a 10 minute walk from the stadium. I tucked my City scarfe into my jacket. I had been told during the day that the locals still dont take to the away "dont take to" i mean... they quite like giving them a good kicking, so i quietly made my way to the ground, remembering that if i was spoken to... i must use my broadest aussie "gday maaate" to keep myself safe.

Into the ground for my first ever away game, to be honest, i was expecting to lose and had said to Nic just to see us score would have done. Once again i wanted to be standing, but all the talk ive heard was that leeds were verrrry strict about standing and would kick you out...nevertheless, my ticket was half way down and there would definitly NOT be standing there.. so, once again i quietly made my way to the back of the stand and casually stood alongside some others... fortunately, there were a bunch of young lads away to my right who were keeping the stewards busy, so i was able to stand for the entire game... also, as away fans tend to be more vocal... the leicester fans sang all night and with some adjustments to my accent i was able to join in... on top of that, WE WON!!! 2-1... fantastic celebrations all around me, when we scored the 2nd, a young lad who was shouting and cheering and bouncing turned and grabbed me in a bear hug and jumped me up and down... all in all a fannntastic night.... and everything i had hoped an away day would be.

Next post will be about the Merry Widow  :)

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    i enjoyed the blog as you would being a leicester supporter i.m glad you enjoyed your dance with the young lad its good to see they can still get excited and behave themselvesyou look smart in your scarf i expect its getting a bit chilly at night its been a bit warm hear today but hopefully we might get some rain tomorrow
    enjoy the rest of your week
    love mum bill xxxxxxxxxx
