Friday, October 8, 2010

The Malverns - Witley crt part 2...October (go down for part 1)

Following our trip to Witley, we went on towards the Malverns..interesting fact... England doesnt do the "petrol Station" very well... we had effectively driven all morning and not seen one since we left home, wasnt a huge issue, but interesting that you can drive for hours and not see one.

First stop after Witley were the ruins of a church built in the 1100's we entered the church gorunds only to be rushed by sheep, who were grazing there... the grounds also house a "new" church, built in the 1800's and still in use.
we then headed on toward Great Malvern and the The Hills, what a beutiful part of England...we (foolishly) decided we wanted to climb "The Beacon" which is the highest peak in the area... point one, 3 pounds to park!! what a liberty, we are the only people there for goodness sake...and... seriously, if your going to charge me to park, then make the blinking car park closer to the top...anyway, we set out.

Tthe first 1000 metres were the toughest, (or so we thought)... we met a couple on the way down who told us, they hadnt made the top.. but it wasnt to far..only 20  mins or so.

First 1000 metres...

We continued, the second 5000 metres were the toughest, (or so we thought), as we rounded yet another bend and looked up, realising that we were still a lonnnnnnnnnnnng way from the peak. we decided a rest was in order as we had already been walking virtually up a 60 degree mountian for 35 minutes.

5000 metres...

We continued on... the third 50,000 metres were the toughest (or so we thought) at this stage we were treated to an air show as 2 awesome jet fighters flew across the mountains, now, the fact that the jets were flying BELOW us...shouldve told us this 'walk" was getting out of hand.

50,000 metres...

We continued, the fourth 500,000 metres were the most difficult (or so we thought)..we decided that the top was actually never going to arrive, Nic anoounced that this was a good location to lay down for a snooze, i chose to head on toward the elusive summit.

500,000 metres...

The summit, the last 14,000 kilometres were the hardest !!. (I shouldve flown, superman style)

But the views were stunning

longish video...

Now was time to head down... lets just say... It was the first 7 million kilometres were the hardest.... it took a long time and was a long way :)

Chips for dinner on the way home and arriving at about 7pm... we was well and truly..umm tired :)

This, i assume will be the last of the very  regular and exciting updates, as with work now happening...the blog would consist of... went to work.. came home. Thrill a minute i know :)

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