Saturday, October 23, 2010

Still going to Leeds....

Well from Bess of hardwick we continued on up to Leeds. Before we arriving at the hotel,  we stopped at Nostell Priory, which is a fantastic old stately home still filled with the glorious furnishings etc, unfortunately no pics allowed inside so just a few.

Now, our (noses) discovery about old men who volunteer, has been matched by a discovery about old women... not noses... they suffer from an incredible shrinking disease, it has reached the point that it would appear that many of these women are made from sponge...and someone is slowwwwly removing water from the middle of them and therefore, they are quietly disapearing inside themsleves. Mind you, that hasnt stopped some of them studying Hitler and ensuring they follow his example when dealing with the public... " YOU VILL GO ZERE... YOU VILL NOT GO ZAT VAY!!!" ( pfffft,, we actually will go there, AND we will take some pictures just to prove the point ...haha)

Sneaky pic inside the house... was a beuatiful old building.

and so to Leeds and the "Chasley (CHAVley) Hotel"...

we had searched the net for a cheap place in leeds... but couldnt get anywhere.. so instead we went a little further out.. Wakefield, and the "Chasley" was cheap and cheerful, nasty, filthy disgusting..., it was just blech!! The wallpaper was peeling off the walls in the hall ways, the lift looked like one of those lifts you see murders take place in.. in New york crime shows, in fact the chalk outline still on the floor suggests they maybe filmed in the Chasley INSTEAD of New york... The Bronx just wouldnt look filthy enough.

On entering the room, we assumed the worst was behind us... however... a sliiiight misjudgement obviously,  every wall was marked and dirty, no remote for the TV, the supposed free wireless internet doesnt connect, the sealant is hanging off the shower door...and we discovered that the shower didnt so much empty... as it filled with water and then seemed to flush the pipes back out into the shower, a delight it was.

However, the weather was fantastic and it was a very lovely/interesting view from the window.

The pic doesnt actually show the filth.. but heres the room.. shows how pictures can lie... if we had read trip advisor before we booked instead of after...

we renamed the Hotel from Chasley... to Chav-ley.. see below for a little info about what is a CHAV...

 Easiest answer is to google....  chav  ... and see what you get.. but the hotel is a place designed for these fine upstanding "humans"

Chav dictionary define

Ok, will do more next couple of days... covering the awesomeness of visiting Elland rd and watching Citeh demolish the Durty Leeds... and the the delights of an evening at the opera..

1 comment:

  1. you vill not stay in dat hovel agan do vow undastand i revkon these little old men and women
    have a power surge when they get these jobs they hav never been able to tell anyone what to do befor so you vill do as you are told althought knowing you and nic you wont but apart from the room it looks as if you enjoyed yourselves nic said yiu got paid this week so thats good but dont spend it all at once as you dont get anymore for a month glad things are going well for you take care
    love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
