Wednesday, September 15, 2010

day 2 part 1, the humber bridge etc

We headed out Monday morning to take in the view of the fabulous Humber Bridge, (yes another bridge, my obsession is stsarting to show isnt it), a superb bridge

Interesting Fact...It was the largest suspension bridge in the world from 1981 to 1998 and is now the 5th biggest. Was a sunny morning, but a cool breeze/wind blew up the river.

We then headed on to Fort Paull, what a surprisingly impressive place, it is a 500 year old Napoleonic fortress, originally built by orders from Henry VIII  in 1542 to protect the north from the French etc... it has since been used and upgraded consistently for every war (and geez there have been a few) that England has been involved in, right up until the 1970's. It took way longer than we thought and has too much to talk about here, but a wonderfully enjoyable couple of hours.

From there, it was on to a beuatiful 12th century church.. which was closed... then on to a field.. well, more than a field... its a field that housed a medievil villageand whilst you can only see hummocks and stones, the idea that this was once a thriving metropolis, does kinda make you think that... society has been here and done all this before?

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