Friday, September 24, 2010

I like castles -1 (Bolsover Castle)

A quiet few days,  Leicester got beaten in the league, but won in the cup. I played football on monday night after missing last week due to a cold. (thats A cold.. not THE cold, which is was again...its interesting when the other players tell you they missed 3 nights last year due to the snow being too thick... apparently the frost isnt a problem though.. oh dear). We decidedthat having invested in our membership of English Heritage we would head out to Bolsover Castle, this is a beuatiful castle set upon a hill in the north of Derbyshire.

Yet another trip up the M1, wow thats much further than we thought, but we arrive on a glorious sunny english Autumn day, few clouds and about 22 degrees, just perfect. Built in the 12th century and re-built in the 16th, the castle is made up of 2 distinct areas, the old castle and the little castle the old which is in ruins also contains a large room used for showing the dancing horses when the weather wasnt pleasant enough out side and the lord could sit inside and watch them... below is a picture of nic.. being a dancing horse... ahh if only i havd the video on.

The buildings are huge and the views over the surroundings are incredible, the walls are 2 foot thick and so high, we walked around for hours just amazed by all that was or had been there. Inside the" little castle" much has remained or been restored, some of the glorious paintings and exquisite wood and gold leaf.

Rather than rabbit on about sstuff again, ill just put up some pics...

 hehe i took rather a lot of pics :)

and a lonnnng video to finish

Castles part 2 to follow.

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