Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Heading East and beyond - 12th - Part 1

We headed out for a couple of days across the east/north east, perhaps i will spread this over a couple of pages.

We head of to "the wash", having seen the beautiful sights on a tv show "the coast" we expected to see the thousands of birds feeding and flying on the huge area where the sea comes and goes. Of course this was us, so... planning took something of a back seat, lets face it, its a big area.. we cant really miss it, can we. Of course not missing it doesnt equate to seeing it...damn Tv and their helicopters etc...it just doesnt seem the same from the shore.

Nevertheless it was beautiful, with a spectacular sunrise and lots of birds feeding in the wetlands a fabulous noise, we also discovered an unmentioned memorial to the first attempt of the Pilgrims to leave for the America's, they were thwarted in leaving by being set up by the local authorities and when they boardeed the boat to set sail, they were all arrested.

A drive onward took us through a lovely little village (whos name ive forgotten) and then onto Bolsover castle, a falling down ruin built in the 1200's and is just beautiful.

part 2 follows...........

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