Sunday, September 26, 2010

I love castles 2 - Ashby castle

A trip to Tesco....leads on to Ashby castle, ahh the benefits of Membership with English heritage.

What a spectacular ruin, another fantastic castle built in the 1200's and has faced a number of siege's and battles. We have been so lucky to tour many of these fabulous places and be pretty much the only people at them. We walked in and around ashby castle, right next door is the manor house school, the kids there were at recess and running and screaming alongside this fabulous structure and their school which itself must be 500 years old...and yet they have no idea of the history that surrounds them.

We have discovered so very much about history and the lives of people throughout time, moving here has been such an eye opening experience. 3000 year old Roman ruins of markets that effectively were no different to our markets and town of today... 1000 year old medievil  (do we even understand when and what "medievil is?) towns that again are pretty much the same as our towns and lives today.

The castle itself is just wonderful and the opportunity to climb to the top of the somewhat crumbling tower and see the fantastic views out across the country side..spectacular.

leicester lost 6-1 on friday night.. wow.. thats the worst result i can remember for years.. and we now sit comfortably at the bottom of the championship...and yet, i still feel confident about them, although another loss or two and we will be back on the managers merry go round and that wont be good.

ahh a beautiful sunset on the road..

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    another good day out by the look of your photos i have been to ashby castle one of the rew i'm afraid but tesco to the castle only a short trip so why not bill is hopefully going in for his opp tomorrow if they dont cancel again
    he has been cooking apple pies all day for the cancer fundraiser he made 15 so thet should make a bit out of that i have been shopping for the boys birthday presents so thats all done i will try sype tomorrow night if you are in bills just shouted dinners ready
    so take care of yourselves lots of love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
