Friday, September 3, 2010

Sheffield (again) - 1st Sept

Yet another trip north to the wondeful world of Sheffield, pretty simple trip this time seeing as we knew where to go... although the new one way street still got me once.

2nd interview went very very well. After the intervierw we had planned to go to the Botanic Garden and A place called Abbeyvale. So to the Garden, very pretty and a lovely greenhouse still some beautiful colour and a lovely warm sunny day just an hour or so wandering the gardens breathing in the lovely clean air.

Then onto a place called Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, a quite incredible place, it was one of the largest water powered industrial works from the 1700's, it has had many of its building somewhat restored and its and area that was creating steel for... yup you guessed it.. knives etc :) you can find out lots of info about it HERE  if your interested.

All in all, another wonderful day

Ker-Plunk! update... HUUUGE win by Glenn 10-23 sees me establish a big lead.


  1. hi nic glenn
    it looked a nice trip up to sheffield it looks a nice place now but its a shame most of the industry has gone good luck for your two interviews next week love the colour of the flowers its a bit better weather today but its been very bad for the royal show we are going down sandra's for dinner tonight for fathers day so i wont be on tonight i'm just going to take shaze for a quize walk so i have my wellingtons on see you soon love mum s xxxxxxx

  2. hi nic glenn
    just letting you know i sent freedom an email boy did i get in a mess trying to put her address in
    isent life diffeculd when you are getting old but glad to still be hear keeping in touch with my families good luck with your two interviews what if you get both of them more to thing about
    love you mum s xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
