Friday, September 10, 2010

Foxton locks - engineering marvel - 8th Sept 2010

see that.. 8-9-10 what a cool date.. oops, nerd signs showing :)

Tuesday saw yet another trip to sheffield for yet another interview, again went particualrly well, so well in fact that a couple of days later a job was offered.. yeeehaaaaaa.

Wednesday we went into Leicester for another interview this time at the Mercury (at this stage the other job had not been offered) sadly they did not have any positions vacant.

We then went on to FOXTON click here LOCKS  wow what a fantastic place, this is an engineering marvel of the 1800's.... just incredible, built in 1810 it allows canal boats to go up (or down) a HUGE incline, the use of canals in the 1800s and beyond is quite superb.

We then stopped in a delighful old building for tea and scones yummmmmmm, it was a quite cloudy/foggy morning but still lovely and warm.

Then we headed off to Market Harborough, a delighful little market town filled beutiful old thatched cottages etc a delight... then we were nearby Kettering, so a quick drive over there and a wonder looking for old friends and  places. A walk along the main mall a jussst a few memories. But kettering was much nicer this time round, really a lovely spot.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thanks so much for the lovely pics of Kettering. Do not recognise where in the main street it is!! there used to be a sainsburys somewhere?? Didnt you go and check out the old bakery? so glad a bout the job. The locks look amazing dont they? You could take a trip to the continent now on the strength of the new job!!Love to you both,. Mum xxx
