Friday, August 13, 2010

And they talk about Friday the 13th - grrr Thursday the12th!!!

Glenn's little list of  "Things you dont want to see..."

1) A "Closed" sign on a gallery after youve walked 2 miles to find it.

2) Black clouds overhead as youre eating lunch in a Nottingham Park (2.5 miles from where you need to walk to)

3) Thunder, lightning and buckets of rain as you realise you didnt bring an umbrella (it is summer for goodnes sake)  :)

4) The same building you saw 10 minutes ago as you get confused inside a shopping centre whilst trying to avoid said buckets of rain.

5) Fat dripping.. literally dripping and forming a pool on your plate, from your spring roll dinner. (to know how bad it was.. i actually did not eat it... amazing)

6) The puddles of milk all over the carpet after youve clumsily thrown it to the floor and watched the plastic bottle split open.

7) The highway patrol setting up cones to block traffic on the A42 on your way home in the cold and wet summers afternoon.

Oh... and the one thing you really... Really..... REALLY dont want to see......

..... your much 'loved" Rover on the back of the tow truck, having been picked up from the A42, where the traffic Patrol have blocked of the entire motorway plus part of another motorway because your much "loved" Rover has forgotten it has an automatic gearbox and believes it can just rolllllll home.

So... thats Thursday the 12th... who wants to talk about Friday the 13th........ BRING IT ON!!


1 comment:

  1. oh dear nic glenn
    that was not a good day most of it you could have coped with after all it is england and you must realise you will get wet cold rainie days but your pour car i hope the auto box hasent packed up altogether and its something that can be repaired without to much expence the sound of your spring roll was a bit off putting i dont think england has grasped fast food as well as australia has i hope your days have been better since then i will see if you are on later and hopefully you can give me some good news about your car love mum s xxxxxxxx
