Thursday, August 26, 2010

Birmingham-again... 25th

Another interview in Birmingham, another (surprisingly) successful navigation of spaghetti junction, just the odd one or two misdirections by James our fine SatNav man and we find ourselves in the city centre again.

Fortunately, looking at the map.. the interview is just a 5 minute walk from the Art Gallery and Museum that we missed the first time round. All went well at the interview.. just more waiting now. Then off we went to the Gallery etc.

A cold wet day... the city centre and clock tower area were lovely and the building just gorgeous, the gallery was spectacular, the building alone is art... then inside so many styles, and colours all just breathtaking. the museum also had the "Staffordshire Hoard" on display it is the largest (3.25 million pound) find of anglosaxon artefacts (about 6th century) that was found by a guy with a metal detector just last year on farm land notr far from here.  website click here to read more about it

The paintings, pottery, glass, sculpture were all incredible... a most pleasant day out.. but rather chilly, and for the first time we considered putting the fire on... but NO! its summer dammit.. we will NOT put the fire on :)

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