Sunday, August 1, 2010

Of Carboots, Scarecrows and Birmingham

Its Sunday morning, so what is any good meashamite doing... yup you guessed it...CARRR BOOOOTINGGG :)

yup off we went again this morning our list much smaller but a list nonetheless... another mirror we got 3 last week i forgot to mention. (no.. we are not vain, look at your house how many mirrors have you got ?) cupboards etc etc. We return home we almost all our needs.. in fact... we wont need to go next week apparently, ill believe that when it happens.

So, now it was time for the VERY VERY highly anticipated Heather (pronounced Heether) scarecrow festival, nic has been looking forward to this for quite some time... it took us about 7 minutes to drive there... and about 2.5 minutes to realise this wasnt quite going to live up to expectations. You might expect a scarecrow festival to be field after field of beautifully decorated scarecrows... you dont?.. thats a pity coz thats what we expected... instead... well, instead we got cardboard cutouts and shop dummies dressed up as Lady Gaga or Dr Who... hehehehe.

So... off to Birmingham and we go to the beautiful Botanic gardens, just such a delightful walk round such a gorgeous setting, the colour of the flowers is quite quite incredible... i assume that whilst the flowers arent out for long... the lack of sun seems to increase the colour of them, the reds are so very deep and every colour seems so vibrant and alive.

A lovely  little jazz band was playing in the gardens we sat and enjoyed a cloudy english summer day. then. we decided we would head to the museum... unfortunately a combination of not knowing where we are going and an incomprehensible Brummy accent meant that we didnt make it to the Museum, however we wandered along the recently redeveloped canals which were quite beautiful and again, all the streets and corners were covered in beautiful flowers.

Finally a couple of entertaining driving manuourves meant we negotiated the spaghetti junction and made our way home. A truly delightful day.

Anne Geddes... eat your heart out...

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