Friday, August 20, 2010

Another trip to Leicester - 19th

So into leicester for a job interview, was a tricky intervew too, ive applied for so many jobs from different job sites, sometimes i forget which is which...and that was the case with this one.

The job thing is a little different here, almost all jobs are handled by recruitment agencies, so they review your CV, then book the interview for you. On this occasion the person rang me and was heavily accented and didnt offer to much information, so i just noted the time and said ill see them there. Much as i checked my records, and searched the net, i could find next to nothing about the company... i began to have my doubts.. it didnt seem to add up.

Anyway..  I went in and met with a very slick,  fast talking Londoner, who still did not explain what the actual job was... but he told me how with in a year i could be the managing director of my own branch... hmmm... yeh right.. i ask for a job description... oh umm no we dont have one. anyway at the end he says he would love to have me spend a day with one of their staff to look at whats done.. then start with them. i said send me a job description and ring me to arrange... i check the net when i get home and find this... click here

needless to say... when offered the chance.. i told them thanks but no thanks.

Nic came with me and wandered around leics while i was in... then we went to the Jewry wall and museum... awesome place in the centre of the city... 3000 year old roman bath remains... just incredible.

On the way home we were lucky enough to catch up with Keith, Gill, Derek and Maria for a cuppa in a lovely old pub.

Remember, you can increase the size of the pics by clicking on them... also, i think you can save them to your comp by double clicking  and then right clicking and saving.

Thanks so much for the comments.. its good to know your are interested and enjoy reading.. also love to read anything that you remember etc.

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    glad you wernt taken in by that job i bet a lot of pople are it was wonderful to see the photo of you all in the pub well all except you glenn it looks as if keith is going bald and derek my dad always had a good head of hair evan with his short back and sides we got your letter and phamlets a couple of days ago you have been to some interresting places i sent your letters on thursday as no more came all week then three turned up friday i will see if you are on line tomorrow then i can let you know what they are alf and sue are coming
    to dinner tomorrow so it may be a bit later
    about 6.30 our time take care love mum billxxxxxxxxx
