Sunday, August 15, 2010

Continued (and game 2 of Ker-plunk!)

So i leave the house at 11.40 to get to my bus stop at 11.43...(for the first time since weve been in England... it buckets down as im walking to the stop)........the bus is due at 11.53... 12.05.. still no bus, 12.15... still no bus... my Foxes travel bus leaves Ashby at 12.50, if i dont get that.. its all over.... 12.20.. still no bus.. im on the phone ringing Nic to get a taxi number, as i ring her.. the bus arrives... phew.
Pic...Measham bus stop rain...

So... into ashby... theres the stop.. couple of Lesta fans waiting .. so im in the right place, bus arrives ontime and we are on the way... up the front on the top deck of a double dekker wonderfully smooth trip to the ground.. dropped off 100 metres from the gate, perfect.
Bus in...

Great game... finished 0 - 0 but City played top drawer football and looked a quality side, if they can actually put a few in the net.. we will be a top 6 side again.

A 100 metre walk and back on the bus... brilliant, arrive back in ashby at 6.20... brilliant, bus due at 6.53, just sit at the stop until then all good... 6.53... no bus.... 7.00 no bus.... 7.05 no bus... phone call to the bus company... "oh, it hasnt arrived? well it is a saturday, they might be i cant tell you when it will arrive"... 7.10 no bus.... 7.15 no bus...7.20 no bus... obvoiusly this aint coming... 7.25.. ring the taxi...grrrr home at 7.30.

And people wonder why i dislike public transport.
Ticket to game ... $58
Bus to ashby....... $9
Bus to and from game $18.50
Taxi home...........$15

Wow... $100.50 to see a game.. that is wayyyyyyyy too much, as i mentioned before, entertainment is expensive here.

Game 2 of Ker-plunk!, sees Glenn storm to an early lead.. wining again (16-17) now 2-0 up and clearly the future world Ker-plunk! champion

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    that's what i call an expenive day out and also a long one i can now see why you dont think much of public transport the fact they dont care weather the bus turn's up or not make's you laugh lets hope you can get your car fixed up quickly and can get to your job interviev what a long way to go still they must work quite diffent over there hope the weather is a bit better now i reckon you could haveflown to paris for the cost of your leicester trip still it all goes to make an intertng life doesnt it have a great day
    love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxx
