Monday, August 2, 2010

Moira.. (no, not an old lady who lives down the road) Aug 2nd

The morning was spent applying for jobs and Nic working on writing and drawing.

The afternoon we decided a quick trip to Moira, about 10 minutes toward Swad, apparently the site of an old furnace and a delightful spot it was, alongside the canal (canal's are bcoming a favourite of mine now). So a sunny afternoon and all was lovely.

We also walked arond a boardwalk... where we saw .... A SNAKE???  in england... incredible

We are actually still without an oven as its not working, the grill and hob are fine.. so its fried or grilled for the last few days. The gas man came and said its gonna take a couple of days to get the bits in.. so, hopefully by Wed all will be fine.


  1. Lots to read, I love it. Too much to comment on, but I will say there are 3 snakes in England.The only poisonous one is the adder, then theres the smooth, and finally the grass,(which I reckon this one is cos they like water. so says Mrs David Attenborough - Hill!!I have a suggestion, why dont you buy an electric fry pan, it served me well in our van, and you can cook anything from a roast to scones in it (roast veggies for you - I know@!)xxLove Mum

  2. hi nic glenn
    love the picture of nic by the cannal it used to be a favorite place before we came to oz they all got weeded over when we used to visit but pleased they are clean again nic cant remember but we used to take the girls when they were little dont recornise the other picture i notised the cardigan its always cool by water looks as if you are enjoying yourselves still very cold hear but hoping for better soon love mum s
