Sunday, August 15, 2010

Public Transport... note that 2nd word!!... Aug 15th

A quiet few days, no car means Measham is where we stay... except for Saturday... I ahve a friend from WA visiting the UK and he is a Lesta supporter too. We had agreed to meet at the Walkers to see the City v Boro game. I had bought the tickets so.. there was no cancelling this ... with no car, it would have to be.... dah dah dummmm.... public transport!!!

The trip needs to be... Measham... to... Town Stadium and return. about 2 hours each way. I carefully studied the maps on the websites, searched the timetables on line and worked out the only options...3 buses each way.. and a few walks inbetween...  it was going to be close, because the last bus left Ashby for Measham at 6.53,and  if.. big if... i could get to the town centre... from the stadium in 14 minutes... the bus would get me to Ashby at 6.47... a clear 6 minutes grace to walk to the next stop.

I then looked more carefully... no, there was no way i would get from the ground, to the bus in 14 what to do.. . keeping in mind, i have bought and paid for my and his tickets. 62 pounds in total i HAD to get there.

Aha "foxes travel" the clubs bus service.. huzzah!!, they run a bus from Ashby to the ground and return... but... the guy isnt returning my calls... its friday night.. still no calls.. im going to have to go with the original plan.. then get a cab from Ashby home grrrrrr. 

Ahh but wait, Saturday morning, Fox travel calls.. yes, they have a bus.. yes i can get on it, yes, it will get me in to ashby at about 6.20... 30 minutes before last bus  wooohoo.... sorted!

OK, think i will post the rest of the story on the next page.

A couple of pics from Nottinham before we broke down :)

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