Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sheffield - 26th

A job interview in Sheffield sent us north, about an hour up the M1 and we arrive in sheffield, I expected a grey, dull dingy" Northern Town", funny have we have these preconceptions, who knows where we develop them?

We arrive and its actually a beautiful city, colour, the obligatory stunning old buildings, yes well it was raining... (this summer word has a different definition here it would seem), but there were lots of people about and it was kinda buzzing, really quite a nice place. Unfortunately in the last 10 months they have apparently restructured streets into one way etc.. which of course lol.. means james the satnav man is more confusing that a bucket of cats, we do a few trips round the city centre before finding a spot near the job and parking.

Nic has a wander round town while im in the interview, we have alook at the beuatiful cathedral etc, just stuning, the interview goes very well, i am very confident i could have this job.. but..its an hour away and the pay isnt where i would like it to be.. might give it some more thought.

On the way home we stop at Sutton scarsdale Hall, a stunning old home, orgianlally built in the 1500's, rebuilt in the 1700's which was left to fall to bits in the late 1800's. Its an incredible shell of a stately home set atop a hill with views forever, I am unable to quite understand how it could go from a stately home, to a shell in around 40 years.. and has remained like that for another 70 years??

just wonderful to walk around in the cold and drizzle imagine what may have been.. and what did these people talk about?? lol

Another long video.. dont click it if you arent going fast

the job seems to be getting closer each day :)

Ker-Plunk! update... Glenn once again takes control, with a convincing 14-19 win 

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    been reading your blog just watched the vidio it sounded a windy and a rought old day an amazeing old building i reckon the wind could have blown it down they could have had a mine tornado go through it one day its amazeing how much green there is about still with all the motorways they have built your poor satnav isent being much help to you if they keep changind things around can you reprogram it i rang up about my crdit and i have 4 killobits is that good i thing nic said you had another job interview this week the other one is a long way to go to work you would need a big wage to make it worthwhile anyway good luck have a great day love mum bill xxxxxxxx
