Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Return of Rover.... 18th Aug

And so the much loved Rover has returned. I have now completed more public transport travel in the past 3-4 days, than i have in the last 30 years. After my complaints about the buses previously... todays were all too smooth... ok it took 2.5 hours to go there on the buses... as compared to 19 minutes to drive home... but at least both buses actually turned up, and apart from the little kid behing me.. kicking the back of my seat for 20 minutes... and seeing the biggest nose i ever have (or will ever)  the journey was happily uneventful.

So its been a quiet few days... a couple more interviews coming up over the next few days so still fingers crossed.

Some sunny days here.. they can be lovely and warm. Nic enjoying the sun in the back garden.
 a couple of random photos...

roman place.

1 comment:

  1. hi nic glenn
    thanks for mobile numbers dont suppose we will ever need them but handy to have nic looks as if she is enjoying the sunat the moment we are enjoying a very heavy rain storme cant even take shaza out i expect your public tranport travelling has now ceased for the rest of the time you are over there at least you wont see the big nose again thats enought to put you off your dinner a pity you couldent ture round and give the kid a clip rounnd the ear or better still give the mother a clip your getting some great pictures keep them coming i really enjoy them lots of love mum bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
